Blogging used to be fun for me - the shock of the digital revolution and automated publishing platforms was intoxicating - but now it's over.
Blogging has gradually become a chore as that time is increasingly taken by adventures in video production. Thus the site in its current form will close once advertising committments expire. Oh well, someone had to cut down the body!
A tremendous expression of thanks is owed to the many readers who have followed and contributed to Cablog over nearly nine years and some 1900 stories. And also thanks to ninemsn who contracted Cabpoll for four elections. For a taxi blogger in his pajamas punching out content at dawn it was gold. Just like the support shown by you guys.
Again, many thanks, and goodbye.
UPDATE: Cablog preserved at Pandora, National Library of Australia.
A sad day. Thanks for your work, and God bless.
Posted by: Gordon Cheng | August 18, 2012 at 07:13 AM
Thanks for all the posts Adrian. As an Sydney-sider now living in the US, I always enjoyed whatever you had to say. I totally understand how you no longer have the time for this, but is there a place we can find some of your video productions?
Cheers mate!
Posted by: Rob | August 18, 2012 at 07:36 AM
Adrian, thanks for your writtings. I have enjoyed the ride. Have a happy life.
Posted by: Keith B. | August 18, 2012 at 07:44 AM
Goodbye, and thanks for all the dish.
Posted by: will | August 18, 2012 at 09:28 AM
My favourite blog from someone who lived in Sydney once for a glorious 6 months. Goodbye and thanks :)
Posted by: A | August 18, 2012 at 03:15 PM
Thanks for writing. Sorry to see you go after all these years!
Posted by: Sasha | August 18, 2012 at 03:53 PM
Thanks for your work. As a fellow blogger, I totally understand why you've quit. Good luck with your future endeavours.
Posted by: Legal Eagle | August 18, 2012 at 06:17 PM
I only discovered your blog a few months ago and spent weeks reading every single post! I take cabs a lot and hope to make your acquaintance one day. Until then godspeed.
P.S. I hope you can reconsider removing the blog entirely. The archived posts still offer a great read, even if you don't update any more.
Posted by: Jeremy | August 18, 2012 at 09:30 PM
Rob, initially I'm making DVDs for family and friends using copywrite music. Once I've learnt how to use a midi keyboard I could post some on my youtube channel. You can subscribe for updates. Actually I'll be producing under the Cablog brand so maybe I'll re-invent the site!
Jeremy, you read every story? I'm impressed and glad you enjoyed them. I'll look into whether parking the site is cost effective though. Otherwise the National Library has Cablog in it's digital archives. I'll ask them to do a final update.
Posted by: adrian | August 19, 2012 at 05:23 AM
Thanks for the great reads Adrian. Been reading a long time, really enjoyed the blog. Hope to see your writing again in future sometime.
Posted by: Miles | August 19, 2012 at 09:14 AM
I will miss you Adrian, but I understand the need to move on.
I really enjoyed writing my Europe by London Taxi Blog, I put a post up every day for just over 12 months and loved every minute of it but was quite relieved when I finished!
A tad different from 9 years of blogging though.
I look forwarded to starting another Blog, about family life in a Sydney Double Decker Bus, one day :-)
Thanks for your fabulous posts, I can't say I enjoyed every one of them as the way some of your passengers behaved stunned me, but they certainly were very informative and I learned a lot about a life I've never experienced.
cheers for now, Pennie
Posted by: Pennie | August 19, 2012 at 09:15 AM
Thanks for all your efforts ol' son... it's been a great ride!! All the best in the video world and I can only echo Rob and Jeremy's thoughts. Cheers mate, happy days.
Posted by: Ian | August 19, 2012 at 11:46 AM
Dang Adrian how are the NATHAN'S of this world going to get home now ??.The Shire needs you Adrian,but a little bird told me Canberra might be a chance?Great Blog Good Luck in your next venture.
Posted by: nathan ethan brianson | August 19, 2012 at 10:34 PM
Thanks Adrian! Best wishes. :)
Posted by: James | August 19, 2012 at 11:33 PM
Gonna miss ya mate.
You spent lotsa time spent to keep the great unwashed happy and entertained.
You've done well.
Yep, gonna miss ya mate.
Good luck with whatever you do, you deserve the time.
Posted by: Lance | August 20, 2012 at 12:45 AM
Great wee blog adrian - been following from sunny Scotland for a few years and I have greatly enjoyed your writing style and content.
Best of luck,
Posted by: Simon | August 20, 2012 at 06:46 AM
Like Jeremy I also only discovered your blog over the last few months and also spent a few days reading it all.
You gave me such a new appreciation for the humble cabbie (not that I didn't respect the job already).
Please do leave the blog available as an archive for others.
Posted by: Jason | August 20, 2012 at 07:34 AM
Oops, I nearly missed this goodbye party due to the parallel panels I kept seeing instead of your site.
After nine years I reckon its time to call it a day and move onwards. I am still amazed how you have spent all this time to entertain us punters without payment.
Mind you, you may have shown the way for modern journalism.
Many thanks for all the work and dedication you have applied over the years. Not only have you supplied your readers with great information, but to me your blog has been a beacon in the wilderness of Taxi driver representation and has done more in bridging the gap between the general public and us poor buggers than anything else that is available.
Thank you again mate
In gratitude
Rainer the cabbie
Posted by: Rainer the cabbie | August 20, 2012 at 11:02 AM
A sad sad day. I will miss this blog more than any other.
Posted by: sally | August 20, 2012 at 12:23 PM
Rainer, the motivation was purely a love of writing coupled with the advent of blogging platforms. Another factor was being in a content rich environment the nature of which made Cablog unique.
Basically I considered myself a writing student as I'd never seriously written before. So blogging became a hard-core hobby, leading to the paid gigs which covered costs over the years. Bonus!
Mate, thanks for the kind words and for identifying a neat Cablog achievement – 'bridging the gap between the general public and us poor buggers'. Sweet, happy to help. We should have a beer one day.
Sally, Jason, Lance, Penne and others, thanks heaps, the feeling is mutual. Otherwise bookmark the update link for your Cablog fix!
Posted by: adrian | August 21, 2012 at 03:27 AM
Adrian, thanks for the many, many entertaining and reflective stories of Sydney life over the years.
You always had a unique take on the side of Sydney that most people never see, and to an old Sydneysider, now resident far away, it brought back many fond memories.
Best wishes in all your future endeavours, and thanks for the taxi ride (without the meter running) :-)
Posted by: PQ | August 21, 2012 at 12:34 PM
Adrian, as an occasional visitor, I really enjoyed your aspects on life.
We had our occasional arguments (your Korean colleague who was charged after an unfortunate but essentially stupid event springs to mind) but overall you are one of the Good People I am proud to think of as an "electronic" friend.
Take care, keep well! The meme of the moment: "It's been a great ride".
Couldn't agree more...
Posted by: Neil Lyons | August 21, 2012 at 06:05 PM
Thanks, Neil, that's very much appreciated.
And PQ, your support has been here right from the start which I was most grateful for when I didn't think Cablog was any good.
Particular mention is due to Collingwood tragic and blogging star Uncle Tim for his generous tips and ongoing encouragement.
Champions all.
Posted by: adrian | August 22, 2012 at 03:04 PM
Righto. You're moving on. Best of luck to you. Any chance of rounding in someone to take over?
Posted by: Missyq | September 06, 2012 at 01:50 AM