One of the great things about Australia is it's egalitarian ethos. How, for example, in a taxi everyone is equal. How if it's not equal a cabbie will soon fix that by tossing the offender out.
Equal is how a Federal Minister can wander out of a meeting with a major foreign delegation, into a hotel forecourt crawling with police, and climb into a cab. Not a Comcar, not a limo, but a cab. My cab.
However political types should not assume the cab is a cone of silence. The driver may be a nasty blogger, or a foreign spy. In this case the pollie was largely discreet - and friendly too, we had a good chat - but still, debriefing of any sort with colleagues is best left for later.
Oh to have been Peter Slipper's driver. After midnight on Oxford Street. One can only guess at those conversations.
Come on Adrian, spill the goods!
Not that I want to know what the Federal Minister was saying on his phone, the Chinese government has that information already, but who was the passenger.
A pollie that is down to earth and is not riding the gravy train ?
Now that is worthwhile news.
Am I guessing right that this fare went towards Maroubra ?
Posted by: Rainer the cabbie | June 08, 2012 at 10:49 AM
Nah, sorry, Rainer. That would be way more trouble than what it's worth.
Posted by: adrian | June 09, 2012 at 03:11 PM
ah you must have been tempted to give us a little
Posted by: Roxie | June 14, 2012 at 07:25 PM