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I've never seen this, just loved it!
But Bicycle Repair Man of Sydney, did you get to say hello to your old friend?

Mai he vist això, ens va encantar!
Gràcies per compartir aquesta informació és útil per me.Hope més articles serà publicada!

So how is ya ol' mate.... we're all hanging here Adrian :-)

Unfortunately the bike drama used up enough time as I had the dude test ride it and made sure he was happy. It was a busy time of night so I got back to work. A pity cause the gallery is generally closed when I pass by.

Is it soaring Bus Driver ? Is it a flying Hire car driver ?
No, its Supercabbie........
Skilled in fixing bikes, changing tyres, keeping awake after 13 hours of driving,chasing runners, solving other peoples personal problems, familiar with every shortcut available including inner City dunny lanes, helping the lame, advising the insane, shall we go on ?
No,no need, Supercabbie is there when you need him,the only thing that irritates our good fellow are pissed female "Art Lovers" that couldn't tell a real cabbie from a Picasso, so involved in their own wanky world that they couldn't find their own arse if you asked them to.

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