Blogging is yet to become a knowledgeable subject amongst the general population. Thus I seldom get to discuss the phenomenon with passengers. However last night the opportunity arose within consecutive hirings to address the topic, albeit with mixed results.
The first fare, whom I’d carried a month earlier asked, "How’s your month been ?" As she was in the media industry I related my recent opportunity writing for ninemsn, leading to an interesting discussion on blogging. Consequently I drove away feeling reassured that not only are people increasingly aware of blogging, but they actually understand its role.
The very next fare was a young guy aged 20 who travelled to Maroubra. He was really ‘pumped’ after spending the weekend with a new girl (okay, though still at school she wasn’t ‘some scrag’). Importantly, he possessed that infectious joie de vie common to young adults with the world at their feet. How quickly one forgets those heady times.
So I quizzed him on his plans. "I’m studying journalism at college," he said, "cause I really love writing." He has long dreamed of becoming a recognised journalist, "say, with the Daily Telegraph. I want to see my name under a newspaper article. That would be so cool." Fair enough. However when I enquired if he’d started a blog or, was studying blogs, he sheepishly replied, "Err, what’s that ?" Sheesh, talk about last century.
Re Passenger #2 - Not surprising though. I am currently doing a degree in PR and daily am confronted with fellow students that have no idea what goes on in the industry they wish to work in. And I can see lecturers and tutors getting frustrated when mentioning something and all they get back are blank stares. Unfortunately a high TER doesn't come with common sense.
Posted by: AG Canberra | April 10, 2007 at 10:59 AM
Wow!! What an ambition to write for the Telegraph. I suppose someone of his obvious intelligence will fit right in there in tabloid journalism land.
Posted by: Turner Mitteron | April 10, 2007 at 07:42 PM
To be fair to the journalist student though, he's aiming for a writing job, journalism. Blogging isn't a job; it's a hobby.
Posted by: John | April 10, 2007 at 08:53 PM
John, blogging did originate as a hobby and remains so for the vast majority. However it's also now widely accepted by most media outlets and forms an integral part of their online presence.
New journalists are increasingly expected to have competency across various mediums, not just print media.
On a regular basis I receive requests from uni and HSC media students requesting interviews/advice etc on blogging. Hence my surprise at the passenger's response.
Posted by: adrian | April 11, 2007 at 06:50 AM
Sounds like you had a real idiot on your hands Adrian.. The mere fact that he thought that working for the Daily Telegraph was something to aspire to says it all!
On another note, great to see you back blogging!!
Posted by: James F. | April 11, 2007 at 05:25 PM
Thanks James, welcome back also.
Posted by: adrian | April 13, 2007 at 07:12 AM
on this subject, do you often/ever get people in your cabs who recognise you and are readers of this blog? I know i've often thought when seeing cabs go by 'i wonder if any of them is that bloke from the cablog'
Posted by: damien | April 13, 2007 at 02:37 PM