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We win! I come from Scotland - Scotland got to the finals about six times (I think) and have never progressed beyond the first round. The Socceroos have done so well. They make me proud of what they have achieved and even if they go out in the next round they have shown that they are up there with the best.

No to mix it with the best. Remember that even if they get knocked out in the next round it is a great triumph.

Yaaaaaaay :-))

I love those screen grabs. :)

Yep...bloody beauty, mate! Bloody oath! Strike me lucky! Struth! We did it!

I'm exhausted after watching the game this morning. I'm not sure my heart is going to last the distance!!!

After the game, I went up to my neighbours, 'whoohooing' all the way...we share a shot of Caruba each in celebration! Not a bad way to start the day!

Good on the 'Iwonder' get to the World Cup was a get this far...well...they did it! Great stuff! I guess Bruce Arena is now eating his words after saying the Socceroos were the weakest team. I note Ghana beat the US this morning!

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!

I have been YELLING at the TV - finally a chance to support Australia!!

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