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Just discovered your site, so thought I'd say g'day. Found this post fascinating. As a taxi driver you must see all sorts. Interesting to see how the other half lives, eh?

Thanks for that illuminating post. I don't quite see the connection between the diminutive Asian girls and the Brazilian craze. Some further research may be necessary to establish a correlation.

Thanks Kimbofo, though at times it seems more like the other 99% !

Noswonky, I'm not sure if I want to explore this (dubious) connection except to pose this, Why is the brazilian so popular ? But then, maybe I'm just old-fashioned !

Well I didn't even know it was so popular! Maybe I'm older fashioned.

I was gob-smacked when I first saw that my daughter had a brazilian. I thought it was just a guy dominating her and reverting her to childhood. She protesteth that it made sex sexier.

Not a good look ... really ...

Brazilians have been all the rage for some time. Once purely the domain of porno, they even get a mention in Old Media now.

Recently I had a guy in the cab from the Golden Sheaf hotel, Double Bay, tell me a girl there offered to show him her brazilian - in the bar !

Further to this, I've seen teenage girls in rural NSW wearing T-shirts with the word, PORN followed by a star symbol, emblazoned across the chest. I suspect the internet, with its easy access to porn, has a lot to do with these trends.

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