I've recently been in correspondence with a guy in Los Angeles discussing blogs. Steve related this story of a girl he dated who had a blog. It's a cautionary tale on the perils of blogging and a real laugh,
When I first moved here I dated this Polish chick.... pretty cute. I've known her for years through webmasterworld.com but its more business there u know. Anyhow, I finally met her and we dated for like 2 weeks... she was a nerd, I was a nerd... I mostly just wanted someone to hang out with, show me the area, you know...
I had her personal website, and through a bunch of link-clicking I finally found her blog but I didn't say anything to her when we dated... she would vent about the most anal things, it was kinda funny....
So then we're like "dating" and stuff and she starts writing about me and how she met the perfect guy and stuff and how I'm so polite, paid for the bill all the time, etc... but then she wrote that I like had hairy arms and I should consider wearing long sleeve shirts more and that my hairstyle was kinda out-dated... and I'm like, wtf ???
So I keep reading it, it was mostly good... next date I wore a long sleeve shirt and she commented on it totally oblivious I'm reading her blog, we hung out, and then sure enough her next post was like, I like this guy, I'm not sure if he likes me, bla bla bla...a few of her friends are like commenting on her blogs..... she even posted my picture on it... and they were like talking about me and stuff...
I was kinda annoyed but luckily she only posted my first name, otherwise I would have been pissed off... so I'm like, ok... we went to Santa Monica beach, Rodondo beach, she looked cute in a bathing suit too, I have to say.... we saw some movies in Hollywood, etc, etc...
To me I was mostly fascinated with her cuz she was telling me all about her perspective on Google/Yahoo/Msn, etc... and how to optimize for them, she's very smart and has done very well for herself selling diet pills online (very competitive industry).
Then I checked her blog again and she was like telling her girlfriends how many kids she wanted with me and put my head on an old pic with her ex-b/f's head removed and mine in place... cuz she looked best and I looked best in that one pic or something.... and I was like, woah... and I never talked to her again.
It sounds like the ultimate male fantasy - to know what a woman is thinking!
On a related note, I've had a situation where my former employer didn't like what I was writing in my blog about them. In the end I agreed not to mention certain events or people, and in exchange they gave me money! But unsurprisingly, it was only the lawyers who benefited from the whole exercise.
Posted by: Noswonky | November 15, 2004 at 04:35 PM
Dating is dating, it usually is dangerous in some way.
Posted by: carl | November 15, 2004 at 05:53 PM
Oh my, I would LOVE to know that somone I was interested in was reading my blog. Can you imagine Elvis Costello reading me?? Do you think Diana will be upset?
First time here. Great blog. Can I come back?
Posted by: michele | November 18, 2004 at 07:56 AM
Of course Michele, coming from a wonderful blogger like yourself, I'd be honoured.
Posted by: adrian | November 18, 2004 at 03:01 PM