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Give 'em my email address, I do housecalls.

Consider this, Dirk - often women going home alone, complain, 'There's no decent men in this town...'. My standard response is, 'You oughta go to Queensland - there's too many men up there..'. To which they reply, 'Nah, they're all rednecks..'.

Men I've discussed this issue with, insist too many Sydney women, have unrealistic expectations.
Namely, a bloke has to have the right looks, job, car, locality, etc, etc.

If I was a young fella, faced with such superficial demands, I'd hook up with a backpacker. All they want is some holiday fun. Plus they've got return air tickets !

Backpackers,been there, done that. It's a whole big bunch'o'fun, but you've got to be fit. The redneck thing is a common remark, though. It's mostly a matter of getting past the 'first impressions' stage of not knowing which venues are fashionable today or wearing clothes which went out of style in like, May, or something.

Yeah, they don't like rednecks, or Yobbos. What they want is a gay guy who likes to fuck women. Good luck!

The trick is to ignore them altogether and go after the Japanese exchange students and backpackers. They're thinner and they speak less english, so are less annoying.

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